jeudi, septembre 11, 2008

Crush Crushed

At first they made love ‘cause they were in it.
It was the only way to get closer together –
just to sink into each other and drown,
falling unconscious at the last.

They made love to prove they were more than just hip-deep in it,
more than skin-deep,
more than two idiots chained together.
They made love just to fill up their stores again.

Then they made love to prove it still existed,
that someone could be in love –
because for a few moments there,
they really believed.
They really remembered.

And now we make love because it is the only thing
we ever remember sharing,
the only nice thing about the other one –
the only thing that can still make us close.

The only reason either ever looks into the other’s eyes,
the only reason either is comfortable enough to fall asleep
in this cramped bed with a stranger.

And now neither of us really believes we are in love.
But we both still pretend,
‘cause we want to be more than hip-deep.
We want to be more than skin-deep.
We want to be deep.

But deep-down, we’re both just exhausted,
tired of pretending.
Deep-down, under all the pretense and the deception,
we’re being slowly crushed.

Do you remember what a crush is like?