mercredi, janvier 05, 2005

Valuable Lessons

Tonight I learned from Buffy that, at frat. parties, you will inevitably be seduced, drugged, and sacrificed to a giant jack-in-the-box-like-reptile-being that lives in a well.
So never go to frat. parties.
Also, all monkeys are French.

We spent almost thirty minutes in AP Government and Politics talking about blogs as the next major addition to news media. Only then did I realize that I can't think of any..."peer" of mine that doesn't have a xanga or livejournal or some form of blog. Weird.

Driver's ed is done. I'm continuously amazed at how one can just get in the car, close the door, and turn the key. It's remarkably simple. Why aren't airplanes as foolproof?

I'm told they publish Harry Potter in Latin. One of these days, I'm going to decide that there is nothing to be done except to read that. And I shall.

Come to think on it, I'm also continuously amazed at the way I never stop talking...or rambling in this thing I usually name writing, but is really just stringing a bunch of words together in a not-so-interesting way (what can I say? I'm not Douglas Adams). (Ironically) I believe I say most every coherent thing that pops into my head (and some of the incoherent things) at one point or another. I need to work on that. Rarely is it interesting.
Like just then. Did you see that? I did it again.

It's a vicious cycle.


Blogger sadkingjonathan said...


Get it? The snake god lived in one. It's funny.

Le singe est sur le branche!

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Holy crap! Tell your brother he's awesome (well... again...)! Eddie r00ls man! That is all.

1:33 PM  

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