mercredi, janvier 17, 2007

Liars, Lovers, Cowards All

And what are we to do
in the winter months
when the unspoken “I love you”
hangs in the air
on both ends of the phone.

It’s not enough to love
because someone, somewhere
has to know about it to make it real.

And what are we to do
when the rain comes down
and his transplanted girl
steps through the front door
and you know the “I love you”
won’t be uttered tonight –
not even between friends.

Because people are liars
and lovers and cowards –
people are just people.

Only the bravest
die the little death
that comes with
saying what you mean.

And the bravest
never live here
for long.


Blogger kay-tizzle said...

The last two stanzas are fantastick. I love the rest of it too, esp. the bit about loving isn't enough unless someone knows about it.

1:01 PM  

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